A positive mindset is, quite simply, a state of mind that can be learnt, maintained and developed. It can help us to manage difficult situations, stress, challenges and overcome adversity in our lives. it is also a powerful driver for personal development and improvement.

It can also help us to make choices about our behaviours, responses to situations- positive and negative, and our relationships with people.

What can a positive mindset really help us with?

Strategies and tools for a positive mindset
How do you remember your strategies and tools to maintain a positive mindset?

1. Positive Change

There could be areas of our life where we want to improve. Positive change is more about changing things that we do- like smoking or overeating – than dealing with anxiety, stress or depression. It's not an easy thing to give up smoking, for example, so applying a positive mindset can help. It's about looking beyond the ‘right now’ to see the benefits and applying this to the challenge. Isn’t it easy to fall into the trap of thinking negatively about the challenge you have set yourself and fighting those negative feelings than focussing on the benefits of success?

We’re running a series of taster sessions this month- book your space today!

2. Personal Wellbeing

We all want to be ‘well’. Whether that’s our health or our mental health. Wellbeing covers a broad area, but the focal point when we’re talking about a positive mindset is good mental health. So stress, anxiety, depression and our ability to overcome challenges. Some of those challenges could include job loss, bereavement, relationship problems and numerous others. Often daily stressors can build up, and combine to create a level of stress in our lives that can become toxic. And that’s when our mental health can suffer.

So where does a positive mindset come in? Quite simply, along with a positive mindset comes a range of strategies and tools that we can learn, remember and utilise, that help us to manage everyday stressors. When we suffer a personal setback or tragedy, we are better equipped to deal with it.

We’re running a series of taster sessions this month- book your space today!

3. Business Productivity

If you as a business owner, your senior staff and employees are happy and healthy, your business will perform better. Simple. But consider each of those members of staff and how they interact with each other. is the mindset of your business positive? How do the different parts of your business interact? It’s well documented that business productivity can be impacted by employee wellbeing.

Embedding those strategies and tools that are important to maintain a positive mindset across your business can make a huge difference. But it’s not just at a personal level that people perform better. Individuals are able to understand, motivate and collaborate across your business thanks to a greater awareness of other people, their thoughts, ideas and behaviours.

We’re running a series of taster sessions this month- book your space today!

What are the negative emotions that can drive us?

positive mindset
Are you sometimes driven by negative thoughts and emotions?

1. Frustration

You feel like something is holding you back, but you are yet to understand what that is and how to overcome it.

2. Low mood

Everyday stressors affect your mood, and sometimes take over your thoughts and emotions. You might feel stressed, anxious or depressed.

3. Overwhelm

Negative thoughts and emotions seem to be there all the time and you may have fallen into a circular routine that seems like an unbreakable cycle.

4. Loneliness

You feel isolated and alone with your problems instead of seeking out help.

5. Feelings of failure and inadequacy

Your confidence is low and you feel like you can’t reach your goals. Maybe you suffer imposter syndrome where you’re convinced you’ll be ‘found out’ as not being the person or having the knowledge you claim.

How does a positive mindset actually work?

positive mindset
Positive thinking can influence mood, achievement and productivity

A positive mindset is about learning to focus on positive thoughts and emotions rather than the negative. That might sound a bit ‘fluffy’, but it isn’t. There are different ways of achieving a positive mindset, but the fundamentals are:

1. Set clear, personal goals

If you have things that you want to achieve, setting goals will give you clarity of thought and direction. Without them, you may lack a sense of direction. It’s hard to feel positive if you don’t know where you’re going.

2. Embrace the ideas of curiosity and learning

Open your mind to the idea of change, new thoughts and ideas and learn new things. A mind that is closed to these things will stagnate and focus on the negative.

3. No one owes you anything

And life’s not fair. It’s really up to you to make things happen. Once you understand that you’ll take control and say goodbye to negative thoughts and emotion.

4. Mind your language and stop complaining

Be conscious of the language that you use. It can affect how you perceive the world around you. Think about how you respond to situations, and how you communicate with other people.

5. Decide how to deal with known problems ahead of time

Whatever it is that might affect you will need to be dealt with, but can you apply a means of doing so without affecting your mood? Consider your response. It could be bad driving or a difficult relationship.

6. Create daily routines

It’s not just about creating a routine that keeps you working. Make sure that you give yourself regular breaks and time for yourself. You’ll become more productive and more relaxed.

7- ? There’s more…

These are just some of the tools that you can use to develop a positive mindset, and it takes time. There are numerous other tools that you can learn and deploy too.

Our approach to helping you achieve your positive mindset

We work on a 1-2-1 basis or with groups to help individuals or businesses achieve a positive mindset and achieve their goals. We do this by utilising a range of techniques from our portfolio that we apply according to you, your personality, and what you want to achieve.

We’re running a series of taster sessions this month- book your space today!

Watch out for our NEW WEBSITE- coming soon!